2021 Orthodox Christianity, New Age Spirituality and Vernacular Religion: The Evil Eye in Greece. London: Bloomsbury.
Edited Books:
2019 Expressions of Religion: Ethnography, Performance and the Senses (edited by Eugenia Roussou, Clara Saraiva and István Povedák). Berlin: Lit-Verlag.
Book Chapters:
2019 Introduction: Expressions of Religion-Ethnography, Performance and the Senses (with Clara Saraiva and István Povedák), in Eugenia Roussou, Clara Saraiva and István Povedák (eds.), Expressions of Religion: Ethnography, Performance and the Senses, Berlin: Lit-Verlag, pp. 7-14.
2018 Spiritual movements in times of crisis: an anthropological account of alternative spirituality in Portugal and Greece, in George Chryssides (ed.), Minority Religions in Europe and the Middle East: mapping and monitoring. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 52-64.
2017 The Syncretic Religioscape of contemporary Greece and Portugal: a comparative approach on creativity through spiritual synthesis, in Stefania Palmisano and Nicola Pannofino (eds.), Invention of Tradition and Syncretism in Contemporary Religions: Sacred Creativity. New York: Palgrave McMillan, pp. 155-175.
2013 The New Age of Greek Orthodoxy: pluralizing religiosity in everyday practice, in Jose Mapril and Ruy Blanes (eds.), The Best of All Gods: Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe, Leiden: Brill, pp. 73-92.
2013 Spirituality within Religion: Gendered Responses to a Greek ‘spiritual revolution’, in Anna Fedele and Kim Knibbe (eds.), Gender and Power in Contemporary Spirituality: Ethnographic Approaches, London: Routledge, pp. 46-61.
2011 When Soma Encounters the Spiritual: Bodily Praxes of Performed Religiosity in contemporary Greece, in Ruy Blanes and Anna Fedele (eds.), Beyond Body and Soul: Anthropological Approaches to Corporeality in Contemporary Religion, London: Berghahn, pp. 133-150.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Forthcoming Living Religion between Orthodox Christianity and New Age Spirituality in Greece: Gender and Power. Insaniyat.
Forthcoming Transnational Spirituality and Healing: an Ethnographic Exploration of Alternative Medicine in Lisbon and Athens. Anthropology and Medicine.
2016 The Transformation of Religiosity in Portugal and Greece: an ethnographic comparison of new spirituality and religious pluralism in southern Europe. Rever 16 (3): 66-80 (in portuguese).
2015 From Socialization to Individualization: A New Challenge for Portuguese Religiosity. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education 7 (3): 89-112.
2014 Believing in the Supernatural through the “evil eye”: Perception and Science in the modern Greek Cosmos. Journal of Contemporary Religion 29 (3): 425-438.
2011 Orthodoxy at the Crossroads: Popular Religion and Greek Identity in the evil eye practice. Journal of Mediterranean Studies 20 (1): 85-105.
Other Publications:
2020 Holistic Healing and Wellness in Southern Europe: Practicing virtual (auto)ethnography in pandemic times. In Online Exhibition ‘COVID-19: Concepts of Sickness and Wellness’, curator responsible: Devorah Romanek, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
2020 ‘Kako Mati’ (Evil Eye), Encyclopedia Entry, Global Informality Project, UCL, University of London.
2015 The Material Culture of the Evil Eye: Merging Orthodoxy and New Age Spirituality in Greece. Web blog post in Material Religions website.
2015 Portuguese religiosity in transformation: an anthropological discussion of contemporary “new spirituality” in Lisbon of crisis (in portuguese), in J. Antero, S. Marivoet (eds.), Anais do I Congresso Lusófono de Ciência das Religiões: Religiões e Espiritualidades, Culturas e Identidades, vol. XVI, Lisboa, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, pp. 39-50.
Book Reviews
2020 Pierini, Emily. 2020. Jaguars of the Dawn: Spirit Mediumship in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer. London: Berghahn. in Religion and Society 11 (1): 220-1.
2016 Bull, Michael, and Jon P. Mitchell (eds.), 2015, Ritual, Performance and the Senses. London: Bloomsbury, in Religion and Society 7: 147-149.
2015 Victor Roudometof, 2014, Globalization and Orthodox Christianity: The Transformations of a Religious Tradition. New York and London: Routledge, in International Sociology 30 (5): 490-493.
2014 Anna Fedele, 2013, Looking for Mary Magdalene: An Alternative Pilgrimage and Ritual Creativity at Catholic Shrines in France. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Women's Studies 43: 843-846.
2011 Kathryn Rountree, 2010, Crafting Contemporary Pagan Identities in a Catholic Society, Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate, in Culture and Religion 12 (1): 105-107.